Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009

VisLink - Informationvisualization

Barbara Fritsch and I made an implementation of VisLink for the Informationvisualization course of the Vienna University of Technology. The original idea is from Christopher Collins, Sheelagh Carpendale and Gerald Penn (

Video on youtube:

More info and download:

Donnerstag, 26. März 2009

Jenga - Virtual Reality

We made an implementation of Jenga where the player can view the scene through a head mounted display and interact with a tracked pen.
As an addition to the classical Jenga there are some very bad birds. They want to destroy the tower and the player has to defend it by kicking them away with the pen.
I have developed Jenga together with Christian Fischl and we made the second place within the laboratory "Virtual and Augmented Reality" at the Vienna University of Technology. We used the "Studierstube" Framework and NVIDIA PhysX for this project.

A video of our Jenga: